But this is not true.
I have as much need for rescue as these refugees. I am in as a pitiful and low estate as they. For I too, despite my arrogance and desire to believe otherwise, am helpless and powerless.
Due to my sinfulness, my desire to rebel against God and my outright disobedience, I am subject to death's curse. I am a natural enemy of God. I go against even the simplest of His commands; I fail to love Him as I should. As a result, I am cut off from God's life-giving power and love. Romans 7:24 says:
What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?I am in dire need of saving. I need to be rescued, but not from war-torn countries and oppressive regimes. Instead I need saving from sin and from myself. But who is going to rescue me? It is the very God that I have rebelled against! The very next verse of Romans states:
Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
God has delivered me. I am saved.
Although I will probably never experience the sense of fear, upheaval, uncertainty and dread that these refugees feel, I have no right to look down upon them or distance myself from them. Instead, I should acknowledge that I have been rescued and freed from the burden and prison of sin. Who am I to deny freedom and rescue to those seeking refuge? Who am I to forget them?
My whole being will exclaim,Psalm 35:10
“Who is like you, Lord?
You rescue the poor from those too strong for them,
the poor and needy from those who rob them.”
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